You’ve been having problems for a while:  in your job, in your relationships, in your personal life.  You’ve been feeling depressed or anxious or stuck.  You are unhappy in your career, but just can’t get motivated to pursue your real dreams.  You’ve been meaning to find a counselor, but haven’t had the time.

You begin looking for a counselor, and you find one you think you might like.  But you just can’t make yourself pick up the phone to make an appointment.  You procrastinate, you lie awake thinking about it, and you wonder if you’ll ever get the courage to overcome your hesitation.  This may be the most difficult call you ever will make in your life, but you will be glad you did.

Where else would you find someone who will give you her undivided attention, deeply listen to you, be on your side, and help you solve your problems?  Your counselor can’t read your mind, but can assist you in working out your dilemmas.  You’ll feel better, and through therapy, most likely will gain insight into your viewpoint and ways of dealing with the world.   This will not occur overnight, as counseling is a process that takes time.  Nevertheless, it’s a win-win proposition.